Pressure network details of housing society water drainage pipeline dwg file


Pressure network details of housing society water drainage pipeline that includes a detailed view of Flattened with Mortar with Cement 1: 3 with Thickness Min. 1 cm., Lowering PVC concrete cement or ADS tube, simple concrete, variable diam, well b, Septum Junked with, Mortar 1: 3, Masonry of partition with Morte-ro of Cement 1: 3, Single concrete bench F'c = 150 Kg / cm² 8 cm thick., Painting application, Reinforced concrete flooring of F'c = 250 kg / cm² of 15x20x40 cm aggregate max. 3/4 Mesh electrosoldad 6-6 / 6-6, Longitudinal confinement key (melted), Transverse confinement lock (cast) at every 5.10m to axes, River sand and much more of drainage details.

File Type: DWG File ID: 141657

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Eiz Luna

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