Ground floor main lobby section with detail of wall in stucco paint finish and leather cladded column DWG AutoCAD file


The ground floor main lobby is designed with an elegant and modern aesthetic, combining luxurious materials and sophisticated finishes. The walls are adorned with a stucco paint finish, providing a textured, durable surface that adds depth and character to the space. The columns are cladded in rich leather, creating a striking visual contrast and a touch of opulence. This meticulous design ensures a welcoming and stylish ambiance for all visitors. For architects and designers, detailed 2D drawings are essential for capturing every aspect of this design. Our DWG AutoCAD file includes comprehensive CAD drawings, showcasing the intricate details of the stucco wall finish and leather cladded columns. This CAD file is perfect for professionals looking to replicate or draw inspiration from this stunning lobby design. Download the DWG file to explore the precise layout and materials used in this exceptional project.

File Type: DWG File ID: 267980

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